Poquoson Museum Rehabilitating Miss Becky's Store
Miss Becky's Store, one of several structures at the museum campus, is a circa 1930 building that serves as a reminder of Poquoson's past. The Museum Rehabilitation Team Manager and his team held discussions with numerous contractors and invited those interested to submit bids on the rehabilitation project. A local contractor was approved by the Museum Board of Directors to perform the work.
All work must be done in compliance with the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation". It will be very important that those guidelines be strictly adhered to during the rehabilitation work, as successful completion of the project will permit the museum to make application to have the building placed on the "National Register of Historic Places".
The building will be used initially to provide a clean and climate controlled environment for the recording, documenting and storage of museum artifacts, during which time the building will be closed to visitors. The museums' long range plan designates that Becky's Store will open as a gift shop, offering a variety of merchandise promoting the Museum and Poquoson's historical and cultural past.
If you would like to help fund the cost of the rehabilitation project, please send your contribution to:
Poquoson Museum
P.O. Box 2163
Poquoson, VA, 23662
The museum is designated as a non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
For more information contact Cliff at 868-6384, or Georgia at 868-9981.