Archaeological Testing at the Current Location of the Tom Hunt Store
On July 7, 2008 Archaeological & Cultural Solutions, Inc. began an achaeological survey at the current location of the historic Tom Hunt Store. The request for a Phase I survey was initiated by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR). Following the bidding process, Archaeological & Cultural Solutions, Inc. was chosen by the museum board to perform the survey. The Phase I survey consists of the excavation of a series of shovel test units on a grid pattern over the property. All soils excavated are screened through hardware mesh and artifacts are bagged and labeled by hole and layer.
When the shovel testing and laboratory analysis of the artifacts are complete a final report of the results will be prepared by Archaeological & Cultural Solutions, Inc. and furnished to the museum and other agencies involved with this project. The archaeological survey is an important step toward relocating the Tom Hunt Store to the museum for renovation as a post office and general store.